What is Brave and Awake?

Being brave and awake is my personal intent and mission. And I hope it becomes yours. Being brave and awake is about listening. Listening deeply to your heart. And then having the courage to follow the sometimes unknown, unconventional, or unexpected path that presents itself before you. The path that unfolded for me led me to firefighting and free-form dance – purpose and passion found!

Brave and Awake is an invitation and an offering from me to you. It is an invitation to discover who you really are in this varied and amazing human experience, and in doing so, it is an invitation to meet your authentic self, embrace your deepest desires of the heart, and live your dreams.

May you listen and live freely from the place of your own personal authenticity! And then oh the adventures and bliss you will find! #alwayslistening #bebrave #yourheartknowstheway

Authentic Becoming

There is a small, black and white picture that sits in the cozy cove of my living room that I…

Where is Your Focus?

When I was seventeen, I got the opportunity of a lifetime. In the cold waters of the deep green Atlantic,…

The Adventure of Intention

This weekend I sat among a group of vibrant, eclectic and wondrous beings. A diverse mix of performance artists, visual…

Empty Your Backpack

If you drop by the fire station on any given Monday, there is a good chance there will be something…

The Enchanted Path

Today as I finished the last part of my run on the usual trail, my eyes momentarily strayed upwards from…

Never Say Never

The first time I clumsily pulled a twenty-four foot extension ladder off the back of a fire engine onto my…

The Inner Mystic

Are you ready for an adventure, fellow bright and courageous beings? Today, let us travel down the rabbit hole, and…

Inside Your Toolbox

If you ever get the chance, ask a firefighter to show you what he carries in his turnout pockets. As…

The Magical Passport

The other day, my six-year old abruptly pulled me out of my laundry folding routine with his heartfelt exclamation, “I…

Seeking the Diamond

I’m at a bit of a loss for words this week.  In viewing the news of the world recently, I have…